I’m Working on this commercial project with Loudui. I decided to work with her because we are both in auxiliary together, and she is the person I know most in the class so I would feel more comfortable working with her. I think if I work to buy myself I wouldn’t really put in the amount of work I should. I feel like I drive better when I’m in a group in certain situations. Not all the time I feel like I do better in groups. Say if it was like a paper assignment, and you have to like write something I don’t think I would be able to do so well with another person. But since this is like a commercial I think it would be a whole lot harder than it should be to do it by yourself. Because for say you need somebody to record the commercial if you were going to be in it. Or you would need somebody to be in the commercial be in the commercial if you wanted to record. I feel like it would just make more sense for me to personally work with another person. I also feel like for this project it would be more efficient for me to work with somebody else because If you need an opinion on your project they were kind of give you a more truthful one then somebody else would. Because if you just ask somebody else or maybe your friend they were kind of like just say yes just to say yes because I want to be mean. Now if you were working with somebody who the grade effects as well, They are more likely to tell the truth. For say if you guys were editing a clip and you guys were trying to find the right Transition. And you found one that you think looks good and you asked him oh does this transition go with the commercial. When it really looks a hot mess they will tell you it looks a hot mess rather than saying oh it’s fine because that’s their grade it’s affecting as well. I also feel like this project would be a better chance to get to know my teammate better. Only because the school year just started like a month and some weeks ago so we don’t really know each other that well but this project could bring us together for the better. I also have really bad anxiety, and I feel like it’s affecting a lot of things so this could also be a project that could help me with that. I also want to test out the waters To decide whether for my final project I want to do alone or work with somebody else so this could kind of give me an idea of how it is to work with somebody else and if Working with her is good then I might just work with her in the future. And I feel as if another good reason to work with somebody else is because if you have a weak spot in a certain area maybe that person has a strength spot in the area see you guys current balance each other out and help each other. Also with creativity, you might find something that is a nice idea to you but from another point of view It’s kind of a dull. So your partner could really add onto it to make that ideal become something bigger than it was before that Will entertain an audience better. I can’t wait to work with Loudui and see where this takes us.
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