Intro blog

 Hey, my name is Keanah and i’m 15. I’m also currently in 10th grade. A little about me is I have one sister, she is 13, so we’re pretty close in age. I don’t really do anything outside of school other than auxiliary which is part of the band. Some hobbies I have are drawing, doing make up, and hair. If you ever see me out with somebody it’s most likely my cousins, I’m very close with my cousins. My best friend has to be my cousin Kayla. She is one month older than me, so we literally grew up doing everything together and experience almost everything together. What I want to do in life is either become a midwife, anesthesiologist or something in the mental health field. No matter what I choose I would probably start an organization or something like that to help with mental health because that is something that I’m passionate about and I think mental health is very important. The university I would LOVE  to go to is Famu, everything about that school just gives me nice vibes and I just love how historic it looks and I like the history behind it. Something I would love to do once I feel like my family set is travel. I know most people would say when they retire, but with me I would like to travel with my kids to make and create those experiences and have those type of memories with them rather than doing it when I’m already retired. I’m taking this class because I like filming and in my middle school I took a film is literature class in 7th and 8th grade and I really liked it so I decided to continue it. I currently am not doing any sports, but I did run track in 6th to 8th grad until I realized I never really liked it, it was just something to keep me occupied. Now I do flag and I genuinely love doing it rather then track. My short- term goal would really be to get my gpa up because I really didn’t take freshmen year seriously and I realized how much I let myself down and now I’m really trying to pick up the the pieces. My long- term goal is to become successful and be genuinely happy. I know that sounds clique but to be honest I just want to be proud of my self. Welp, this is me, this all me!


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